“Having not exercised or looked after myself for years, my body had taken a bashing, with yoyo dieting and fads, and I was very unhealthy. I felt drained both physically and mentally.
I started working with David in March 2019, after being at the gym for 2 years, and not getting anywhere in classes, and actually causing my body more damage than good.
I approached David one day and asked for his advice with regards to my knees, and the best exercises, as the doctors advised it was not anything sinister, more of a weight issue.
David took the time to assess me, my body type, and how I exercised. From this assessment David provided me with a package that was best suited to me, to enable me to lose weight safely, and properly.
Since working with David, I have not looked back, not only have I lost 3 stone, as well as a number of inches, my joints and knees are better and my body shape has changed for the better. My mind set has changed, and I feel mentally and physically healthier.”